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Hornil StylePix Tutorials

StylePix Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts All the tools are accessible by following: Many commands are accessible via the keyboard. Hornil StylePix do not distinguish Uppercase or lowercase letters. For example, you can access the Select And Move tool via either s key or S key. Key Only Following are consisted… Read More »StylePix Keyboard Shortcuts


Option > Transparency This option allows you to change the colors that represent the transparent area. Hornil StylePix provides eleven presets. You can change the colors to select one of them. But you can change the color you want. Transparent… Read More »Transparency

Slide Show

Option > Slide Show This option allows you to customize several options in slideshow. Zoom Soft Magnification When if a small image is zoomed in, the zoomed image is seem aliased. But this option is checked, the zoomed image’s quality… Read More »Slide Show


Option > Document These options allow you to customize options that relating to editing of pictures such as undo, and recent files. Startup If you want to open the last editing picture on start up the program, check here. Undo… Read More »Document


Option > View This option allows you to customize the visible elements such as grid, guide and etc while editing. Zoom Soft Magnification When the image is zoomed, the zoomed image is seem to broken. But this option is checked,… Read More »View

Change program options

Option > Program section allows you to customize the factors relating to the program. Start up Display Language Option to

Change options

Please perform the following to open the [Option] dialog box. Option dialog box The Options dialog box is a space where you can select and change options by category. Option category Options file All option information is stored in a… Read More »Change options

Slide Show

Slideshow The Slideshow displays a series of chosen pictures is located in current working path. To start the Slide Show Choose View > Slideshow from the menu. Click  icon in the Main Tool Bar. Press F5 key. To stop the slideshow, press ESC key or double click the screen.… Read More »Slide Show