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System Requirements

It is required specification as below to run Hornil StylePix properly.

  • Processor: CPU faster than 1GHz or SoC
  • RAM: 1GB or Higher
  • Storage: 50MB or more free space
  • Display: 1024×768 or higher
  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10, 11 64-bit

Additional Requirements

It is required a tablet compatible with Wacom tablet driver to be compatible with advanced brush tool.

You need Windows 10 or higher operating system and touch panel or touch pad to use gesture such as pinch zoom

Graphics Engine

Supports all the features modern image editor with lightweight design. runs on low-resource environments such as a laptop computer or virtual machines with full image handling features. Furthermore, its performance is stronger in high-resource environments.

Supported File Formats


Native TSP File Format

Supports TSP file format that contains all information of layers, styles and mask. You can edit tsp files at any time. Raising utilization to use TSP file as template.


User Interface

Display Language

Officially supports the following languages. And if you install a language pack, you can use the additional languages.

  • English
  • Korean


  • Supports the layout feature available docking and resizing
  • Save and load user’s layout
  • Supports tab and MDI(Multiple Documents Interface)
  • Quick window switching
  • Supports 2in1 device
  • Tool options panel includes all necessary properties for selected tool
  • Excellent freedom of editing
  • Optimized to wide monitors

Home Screen

  • Shortcuts for desired operation
  • Recently used file list
  • Display notice
  • Open an image from the clipboard

Image Editor

StylePix provides various tools and functions for image editing.

Editing Window

  • Zoom in, zoom out
  • Rulers, guides and grid with snap
  • Multi-level undo, redo function and action list

Mini Images Browser

  • Supports internal file explorer
  • Supports favorites, thumbnail and various view modes.

Clips and Characters

  • Save the image as a clip to use it again
  • Insert special characters like the picture
  • Find and use a symbol image from ANSI and Symbol character set
  • Make a clip image you want

Select and Move

  • Multiple selecting
  • Free transform, scale, rotate, skew, flip
  • Copy, cut, paste objects and selections
  • Flip vertical, flip horizontal, rotate left, rotate right, rotate 180 degree
  • Alignment: Left, center, middle, right, top, bottom, absolute center.
  • Z Ordering
  • Horizontally/vertically even spacing, make same width/height/size

Selection Tool

  • Rectangular, circular selection
  • Free lasso, polygonal lasso
  • Auto selection
  • Color range and alpha selection
  • Layer selection, select brightness
  • Region modification: expand, contract, border, soften
  • Region selection mode: new, add, subtract, intersect


  • Landscape mode, portrait mode, preset and user defined size

Brush and Eraser

  • Freehand drawing, line, curve
  • Presets
  • Size, softness, distance, color, flow
  • Anti-alias
  • Supports 21 types of blending mode
  • Use image as a brush
  • Advanced Options: Brush Image, Rotation, Scaling, Scattering, Color Effects,
  • Opacity
  • Make a brush with the image

Clone Brush

  • Fill the area with the duplicated image


  • Spray is similar to airbrush that spray paint continuously
  • Size, Softness, Anti-alias, Blending, Color

Flood and Gradation Fill

  • Support Tolerance
  • Fill type: linear, circular, rectangular, radial
  • Supports 21 types of blending mode
  • Preset and gradation fill editor

Restore and Enhance Tool

  • Remove scratch, remove red eye
  • Burn, dodge, blur, sharpen, desaturate, saturate, smudge

Path and Shape Tool

  • B-Spline tool to support stroke and fill: add point, select point, delete point
  • Linear and smooth curves
  • Rectangle, circle, round rectangle, polygon, star, arrow
  • Line and curve tools
  • Stroke: color, width, start cap, end cap, line style, line join type, dash cap
  • Fill: color with filling overlapped area option

Text Tool

  • Type and edit text directly on canvas
  • Decorate text using typeface, size, width rate, kerning, tracking, leading,
  • align and bold and italic
  • Supports multi-line editing and preset
  • Unicode based
  • Supports not only most popular language but also Arabic, Persian, Thai, Hindi, Tamil, Yiddish etc.

Style Tool

  • Apply various styles to object
  • Outline, border, rounding, drop shadow, inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, glass shadow, frame, texture, color fill, gradation fill

Make Frame Tool

  • Make your own frame style
  • Use your frame style in the Style tool

Zoom Tool

  • Zoom in, zoom out, fit to window, actual size

Measure Tools

  • Color dropper tool
  • Ruler tool


  • Color adjustment filters: auto level, auto contrast, auto color balance, level, curves, color balance, exposure, brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, temperature, gamma correction, desaturate, invert, gray scale, threshold, quantize, histogram equalize, posterize, color change, tri-tone, duo-tone, gradient map, channel mixer, sepia
  • Blur filters: blur, box blur, gaussian blur, motion blur, zoom blur, zoom blur, radial blur
  • Sharpen filters: sharpen, sharpen edge, unsharp mask
  • Pixelate filters: mosaic
  • Render filters: cloud, checker board
  • Noise filters: add noise, median
  • Distort filters: diffuse, pinch, twirl
  • Sketch filters: pencil sketch, color sketch, dots sketch
  • Convolve filters: spatial filters, high-pass
  • Style filters: solarize, Sobel edge effect, group
  • Morphological filters: erosion, dilation, opening, closing, outlining
  • Photo enhancement filters: portrait glow, glow, advanced portrait glow, miniature, vintage, sunset, cool, cute, extreme contrast, trendy retro, dark processed lomo, cool retro analog, over processed, old
  • Some specific filters supports saving the settings, so you can reuse the specific settings you want.

Image Editing

  • Duplicate, resize, canvas size
  • Selection edit: cut, copy, paste and delete


  • Supports multi-layer editing and infinite groping
  • Supports merge, duplicate, ordering and mask
  • Supports 21 types of blending mode and transparency.
  • Layer decorative attributes to easily distinguish the layers

Layer Style

  • Provides 13 different basic styles
  • Make own styles with combining basic styles
  • Offers hundreds of preset styles.
  • Create various expressions using the scene that represents all layers with styles
  • Can be modified and does not affect to original image
  • Copy and paste styles from the layer to other layers

Color Picker

  • Supports RGB, HSV color model
  • Support transparency
  • Support frequently used color
  • Color dropper


  • Histogram and Waveform display
  • Red, green, blue, mono, RGB

File Explorer

  • Folder tree and list
  • Favorites
  • Thumbnail, Histogram, EXIF display
  • Provides basic file explorer function: copy, paste, rename, new folder and etc.
  • Various view modes in the list
  • Remove EXIF
  • Multiple file editing: rotate, flip, resize

Image Viewer

  • Supports all popular image formats
  • Mini Browser
  • Thumbnail, Histogram, EXIF display
  • Quick change the next image
  • Quick click zoom
  • Rotate, flip, resize
  • Format converting
  • Jump to image editing and slide-show feature


Watch pictures from the slide show that displays a series of chosen pictures is located in current working path with full-screen mode.

  • Image editing during the slide-show: rotate, flip and convert file format
  • Thumbnail display
  • Auto-play mode


  • Set wallpaper

Batch Processing

  • Edit the name, file format and size of several images at one time with just a few clicks.
  • Rotate and flip image, rotate from EXIF
  • Crop
  • Resize: adjust width and height
  • Filters: auto level, auto contrast, invert, sharpen, gray scale, portrait glow, sepia, tri-tone, duo-tone, color change, mosaic, level, curves
  • Insert logo
  • Rename: prefixes, suffixes, date, numbering
  • Converting file format
  • Preview results

Screen Capture

  • Quick rectangular capture, rectangular capture, window capture, full-screen capture
  • Supports multiple monitors
  • Associated other programs. Basically captured image will be added as a new tab in StylePix


  • Skin: Choose a color you want
  • Open last document on start up
  • Save options for each file format: JPG, GIF and PNG
  • Customize colors: canvas background, grid, guide, thumbnail zoom border. Quick mask,