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Hornil StylePix Tutorials

Batch Process

Batch process The batch processing is a very useful tool to process the repetitive tasks such as changing the size or type of an image file. To start the Batch Process tool Choose File > Batch Process from the menu. Click  icon in the tools panelor the Main Tool… Read More »Batch Process


The layer can have the styles such as shadow, glow and etc. You can easily apply the styles to the layer using style tab in Tool Options with ‘Select And Move’ tool. The sytle is only available in Hornil StylePix… Read More »Style

Photo Enhancement

Photo Enhancement This is set of filers that enhance images, or parts of them. Glow This filter lights and soften the image. This filter is consisted of Gaussian Blur filter, Brightness/Contrast filter and Screen blender. Options Radius This controls the… Read More »Photo Enhancement


Morphological   Erosion(Minimum) Erosion is used to smooth small light regions. Erosion Options Repeat This controls intensity of the filter. Dilation(Maximum) Dilation is used to smooth small dark regions. Erosion Options Repeat This controls intensity of the filter. Opening The… Read More »Morphological


Style   Solarize This filter makes the effect like overexposed photographic film. Solarize filter applied Sobel Edge Effect This filter detect the edge using convolution mask with sobel operations. Sobel Edge Effect


Convolve   Spatial Filters Spatial filters is set of spatial filters that uses the convolution mask for filtering the image. Options Spatial filters’s options are consisted of following four parts: Preset, Convlolution Mask, Additional Operation, Enhance. Preset Preset is set of… Read More »Convolve


Distort This is set of filers that distort images, or parts of them. Diffuse This scatters pixels of the image. Diffuse Options Radius This controls the distance pixels are moved(1~100).


Noise This is set of filters that add or remove noise of the images. Add Noise This is used to add noise to the image. Add Noise Options Amount This controls the amount of noise. Monochromatic This set the color… Read More »Noise


Render   Cloud Cloud automatically draws a cloud with foreground color and background color in entire area of an image or a particular area of an image. Example for the Cloud filter Cloud filter applied Checker Board Checker board filter… Read More »Render


Pixelate This is set of filters that process by pixel. Mosaic This cuts the image into many squares. Mosaic Options Radius This controls the size of the square.