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Feature Request

Hornil StylePix Feature Requests

More Transform Tools

I’d like to add a request for more transform tools in a future version of StylePix. I got through watching a video showing different ways objects can be transformed, and I would love to have this feature in StylePix. This… Read More »More Transform Tools

Not returning to previous position in browser

When in file/thumbnail browser, after clicking a pict for modification, the browser re-jumps always to the top file of the list. It would be nice to have it returning to the previous/last position in the browser. Thx    

Save with original filedate

It would be a nice option to be able to save the pict after modification with the original filedate stamp. My filedates are always the same as the exif creationdate. Thx  

Help with fill tool

We apologize for your inconvenience. It is a bug. The bug will be fixed in the next version.  To avoid the problem, do the following: Draws two black dots at the corner of the layer that painted monkey.  

Save/load selections

Hi, Could a save/load button be added to save/load selections?I often make slections which take time to make,and it’s nice to be able to recall them when needed again. Thanks in advance!