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Hornil StylePix

Hornil StylePix


An object is any visible element on a canvas, such as an imported or drawn image, path, text or shape. Each object can be edited by several tools. Before you can modify an object, you must select it using the Select… Read More »Objects

Hierarchy (Layer)

Hornil StylePix supports four object type and group object. Each object appear as a layer in hierarchy. The Hierarchy allows you to manage layers and their attributes. Add a new layer Duplicating a layer Changing layer order Deleting a layer


Edit Tools Main Tools View Tools Transform Tools

Saving an Image

Saving an Image in the JPEG format When you save a file in JPEG format, a dialog is displayed that asking you to set the compression level, which ranges from 0 to 100. The default quality of 90 usually produces… Read More »Saving an Image

Opening Images

You can open as many files into StylePix as the currently available RAM and scratch disk space on your computer allow. Opening the existing images To open images from the built-in browser To open images from Common Open Dialog Opening… Read More »Opening Images

Creating an image

You can create an new image using the following methods: After the New Image dialog is appeared, you do following: The New Image dialog Tips


Hornil StylePix is consisted of 13 parts: Menu Bar, Edit Tools, Tool Options, Main Tools, View Tools, Transform Tools, Thumbnail, Histogram, Action List, Hierarchy, Canvas and Status bar. Each part is labeled below: This is the onscreen environment for StylePix… Read More »Workspaces

About StylePix

Hornil StylePix is a lightweight and professional image editing software. StylePix is an compound word, which contains the word “Style” and the word “Picture”. As you like, “StylePix” therefore means “Style Picture”. StylePix helps you to create nice pictures easily… Read More »About StylePix