The Training Center is a place to learn the various techniques.
We are currently preparing.
Hornil StylePix
We are currently preparing.
The Korean version is scheduled to launch . Please refer to the following link: Plans for Korean version of the StylePix
I need to open TGA file. it’s used widely in computer graphics area.
there’s nothing.
Is there Korean version of Stylepix? or do you have any plan to support Korean user interface?
How long will you plan to keep beta test?
To download a release version of the StylePix. You can access the following way. Homepage > Downloads > StylePix > Download Go to download page
here’s default gradation presets
plz upload it.
Overview Stylepix is Style + Pictures . This means your pictures with nice style. Stylepix will help you edit your pictures fast and easy way. You could easily resize, rotate or change file’s type with Stylepix. Stylepix is lite. It… Read More »About StylePix