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Selections & Masks

The region selection is parts of an image, selected part in StylePix is highlighted by an animated dashed line. The region selection is only used in image object. But, You can use other objects after rasterizing. The region selection is managed by region tool such as select auto region, shape region and lasso tool.

Creating selections

You can make a region selection by several modes such as New Selection, Add Mode, Subtract Mode and Intersect Mode.


Some selection modes are changed temporarily by keyboard shortcuts.

  • Add Mode: Shift key.
  • Subtract Mode: Alt key.

Using the Auto Region tool

The Auto Region Tool allows you to select areas based on similar shades of color. To use the auto region Tool, you simply point and click the color you want to select in the active layer.

Using the Retangular and Elliptical region tools

The shape region tool consist of the rectangular region tool and the elliptical region tool. These tools are used to make rectangular and elliptical selections of the active layer.

To create a selection with a Shape Region Tool, simple hold down your mouse button over the active image area, and drag out your shape.


  • Rectangular or CircularWhen making selections with the Rectangular Region Tool or Elliptical Region Tool, it’s possible to make perfect square and circular selections by holding shift key down when drawing our your selection.
  • Mouse Point Centered…Pressing the Ctrl key after starting your selection, and holding it down until you are finished, causes your starting point to be used as the center of the selected rectangle, instead of a corner.

Using the Lasso tools

The Lasso tools consist of the Freehand Lasso Tool and the Polygonal Lasso Tool. These tools are used to make free-hand and polygonal selections of the active layer.

  • Using the ordinary lasso tool, simply click and drag a freehand selection with your mouse.
  • Using the Polygonal Lasso tool, click to make various points which will define a selection, and finish your selection by clicking the starting point or pressing Enter key.

Deselecting selections

  • Click the Edit > Select > Deselect or press the Ctrl + D keys.

Deleting selections

  • Click the Edit > Delete or press the Del key.

Moving selections

  • Position the mouse pointer over the selection you with to move.
  • Drag the selections to the desired location.

Moving selection contents

  • Choose the Select And Move tool on the Edit Tools.
  • Position the mouse pointer over the selection you with to move.
  • Drag the selections to the desired location.


  • You can rotate or resize the selection contents using the Transform tool. It is only enabled when the region selection exists.
  • To start the Transform tool click the Edit > Tool > Transform or press the Ctrl + T keys.

Using Quick Masks

You can create the region selection with the drawing tool such as the brush tool or the flood fill tool in Quick Mask mode.

  1. Click the Quick Mask button at the bottom of the Edit Tools panel or press the Q key.
  2. Choose the Brush tool ( B )
  3. Draw strokes with black as the Foreground color to enlarge the masked area.
  4. To restore the normal mode, click the Quick Mask button or press the Q key.


  • Press X to swap the Foreground and Background colors, then draw strokes in the canvas to enlarge the unmasked area
  • Black color is used to maked (protected) area.
  • White color is used to unmasked (unprotected) area.

Creating layer masks

  1. Click the Add a layer mask button on the Hierarchy.
  2. Choose the Brush tool ( B )
  3. Draw strokes with black as the Foreground color to enlarge the masked area.